Wednesday, November 4, 2009


So... Um... I just drank poison.

Good Lord. Chaos!!!!!! Hamlet and Laertes are dueling. They got into it last night at Ophelia's burial. Hamlet popped out of nowhere and started insulting Laertes. But, I did find out that Hamlet really did love Ophelia. But now they are straight up dueling right here in the grand room of my castle. Wait my son is in danger and I am blogging?


Ophelia is DEAD!!! She was found in the brook out back. She had been acting very odd since the death of her father. Ok I will just say it, she went absolutely mad. Personal opinion, I think she killed herself. It seems everything bad is happening all at once. Its so overwhelming. I cannot imagine how Laertes is going to take it. Everyone he loves is dying. I am afraid he is going to be very angry. I hope he doesn't take it out on Claud. I do hate that Ophelia is dead. I wanted her to marry my Hamlet. I think she would have made a splendid wife for him. It really is too unfortunate she is dead. We are to have a burial for her tonight. I think I will take some flowers.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Laertes is back! He has heard about his fathers death and he thinks Claud did it. I told him he didn't but I am scared to tell Laertes that Hamlet killed him. He is going to be furious. Laertes came storming in here with everyone yelling for him to be King. This is madness! ("NO. THIS IS SPARTA"!) Hamlet is now on his way to England so I feel that it is good that he is not here. Laertes would probably kill him if he were here.